The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, and we (aging athletes) pay for the mobility in the form of pain, loss of strength, and loss of function. While your shoulder pain may require the attention of a professional (like this guy), you may be able to solve your shoulder issue at home.
There is no quick fix for musculoskeletal pain, so the first issue you need to solve is commitment. The following routine should be done for at least 6 weeks, 4-5 times per week. But be smart about this though, if you have been diligent for 3 weeks or so and the problem isn’t getting better, time to see a clinician. Conversely, you can contact me for a free phone consultation. Contact info can be found at my website:
Who is this routine for?
Pain at night when sleeping on one shoulder or the other.
Pain with reaching overhead.
Neck and/or shoulder pain after sitting at the desk.
Loss of range of motion - can reach up as high as you once could.
Anyone who has changed their lifestyle because their shoulder hurts.
Mobility First
Before you do anything, you have to get the shoulder mechanics sorted out. Taking tension out of the shoulder musculature will help. If you are feeling pain in that shoulder, strengthening must wait. You cannot layer strength on top of pain - it never works.
Shoulder Flexion Mobilization
You can use a tennis ball or any softer ball if the Lacrosse Ball is too obnoxious.
3 Sets of 10 15 reps per side.
Move the ball to different places along the inside border of the shoulder blade and repeat the motion.
Do not move your shoulder into a painful range of motion.
Pectoralis Minor Release
You can use a tennis ball or any softer ball if the Lacrosse Ball is too obnoxious.
3 Sets of 10 15 reps per side.
Move the ball to different places along the collar bone and repeat the motion.
There Minor/Major Release
You can use a tennis ball or any softer ball if the Lacrosse Ball is too obnoxious.
Spend 1 -2 minutes per side.
Move the ball to different places along the outside border of the shoulder blade.
Prayer Pose/Stretch
Spend 3-4 minutes with this pose/stretch.
Ribcage Expansion/Mobility
Spend 2 minutes per side.
This may seem a bit esoteric, but this is an essential mobility exercise for the shoulder.
What is the plan?
Spend two weeks doing this.
If your pain is noticeably decreasing….move on to phase 2 (coming soon).
If your pain has improved a bit….stick with this for another 2 weeks then reassess.
If your pain hasn’t improved at all……time to consult a clinician.*
*Clinician: You should work directly with a Physical Therapist, Massage Therapist or Personal Trainer. Save yourself some time and don’t consult a primary care physician…..this simple isn’t their wheelhouse.