I started “skill work” a couple years ago. I identify a movement/skill that I think is healthy, cool, beneficial, whatever and I allot some time to practice said movement and/or its component movements.
I try to PRACTICE skill work for 5 minutes, 2-3 x week, usually at the beginning of a workout. But, sometimes I just set a timer for 5 minutes and PRACTICE it on its own. I PRACTICE the movement to the best of my ability, I do not do dozens of repetitions. I give myself 4-6 weeks, gradually incorporating the movement into my workouts here and there, then I move on to the next skill.
The Step Through is a great movement to work practice as it develops mobility of the chest, shoulder, spine, pelvis and hips (Strength + Flexibility = Mobility).
Step Through
If you don’t have this move in your wheelhouse, and I certainly didn’t at first, work on these component movements. Just set a timer for 5 minutes and work through all, some or just one of the following exercises. If you can pull these off for 30 seconds to 1 minute, you are ready to start practicing the step through.
“Push through the floor” rounding your upper back slightly to engage your abdominals and chest.
Bias your weight through the base of your fingers at the top of the palm.
Press Down
Two exercises for the price of one. If needed, start these with knees bent. As you get better at the movement, try extending the legs.
No slumping…keep your chest up and don’t flare out the elbows.
Front Scale
Two exercises here. Try lifting a bent knee to waist height. When you can do that without tucking your pelvis under or rounding your back, move on to extending your knee.
Again, try to keep your chest up and try not to round your low back and/or tuck your pelvis under when you extend your knee…..as you can tell, I struggle a bit with that part.
Mountain Climber
I do these almost every day as a good warm up and range of motion exercise.